Frequent transit service and affordable fares are needed to increase ridership and meet our climate goals. That’s why TTCriders wants to fix the transit funding model and win stable transit operations funding from all levels of government.
What the 2021 City Budget means for transit riders
Toronto City Councillors are voting soon on the 2021 City Budget, which affects transit service and fare levels. City Council must do more to make transit affordable and safe during the pandemic.
John Tory's Service Cuts
John Tory's transit budgets are methodically and systematically destroying the TTC through less frequent, slower and overcrowded service.
For the 2017 budget, John Tory is now talking about a minor increase in funding to avoid service reductions. The reality is that service already has been reduced due to TTC budget shortfalls. In addition to this, today's service does not even meet the TTC's own standards, due to overcrowded routes.
Coming January to the TTC: Longer Waits for Higher Fares!
The cost for riding the TTC goes up January 1st. "But riders, when you pay more you get more, right?"
One week later, on January 8th, the TTC is adjusting its schedules with reduced service in the morning rush hour on 12 bus routes.
TTC is misleading transit riders about Sunday’s service cuts
When the November Service Changes were released, we saw that service was being slashed on 20 routes and immediately suspected that these were cuts. In the past month, the TTC has intentionally misled the public to believe that these changes were merely routine tweaks to match service to ridership. Through Ben Spurr, we now know that if the TTC was only making changes to match service to ridership, service would have been improved on 43 routes. Zero of the improvements were made.
Politicians Hold the Tardy-Sauce – Build the Finch LRT Already !
[caption id="attachment_4599" align="alignnone" width="623"] How much longer will we put up with this type of service? Tell Council to Build the LRT now ![/caption]
It looks like our friends at City Council are at it again. Councillors Giorgio Mammoliti and Jim Karygiannis are looking to re-introduce their motion EX.4.14 to cancel the Finch LRT and build the Scarborough Subway instead of a fully provincially-funded LRT. Next Wednesday March 25th, it will be introduced at Executive Committee.
The 2015 Fare Freeze: a Victory we Riders Have Earned and Must Protect on Election Night
What Public Transit Means to Jane and Finch Residents
[caption id="attachment_3407" align="alignleft" width="200"] Jane-Finch residents have a lot to say about the transit needs in their communities[/caption]
Last month TTCriders, the United Way Jane-Finch Action for Neighbourhood Change committee and the Toronto Environmental Alliance met at the North York Civic Centre to discuss how residents of Jane and Finch and surrounding neighbourhoods feel about public transit. We decided that the best way to engage Jane and Finch residents was to host an information session to explain a little bit about the history around public transit in Toronto and how it relates to present and future transit service. Our goal was to use this information session as a starting point to have a dialogue with the community about what we as citizens can do to shape the future of public transit in Toronto.
Jane and Finch TTCriders March Break Info-Session
TTCriders will be hosting an information session next Friday March 14th from 10:00am-noon at Brookview Middleschool 4505 Jane St. north of Jane and Finch.
There will be a presentation and discussion period followed by more fun activities. You guessed it: bring your whole family as there will be colouring books for the kids!
Record of City Councillors’ Transit Votes that Resulted in Service Cuts, Longer Wait Times, and Higher Fares
Bad Grades for TTC in TTCriders' Report Card
Today, TTCriders released its first ever report card evaluating the TTC’s performance from the perspective of TTC users.
The report card rates the TTC on how well it has done in achieving five goals important to TTC users which are key parts of TTCriders' Vision: creating fair and affordable fares; building modern, fast transit to all corners of the city as fast as possible; making public transit fully accessible transit; providing frequent service that connects all of Toronto; and environmental sustainability.
"Premier Dalton McGuinty should tame the Metrolinx beast" Toronto Star op-ed by Joell Vanderwagen, TTCrider
With the best of intentions, Premier Dalton McGuinty created Metrolinx as the provincial agency charged with developing a regional transit network for the Greater Toronto Area, building on the existing GO Transit commuter system.