Do you know your rights on public transit?
Download a "Know Your Transit Rights" guide or order copies for your organization (scroll down or click here to use our form to order print copies). These guides are intended to share general information with transit users about your rights on the TTC. These guides are not legal advice.
Know Your Rights - Long Guide
English - Know Your Transit Rights Long Guide
Know Your Transit Rights - Pocket Guide
English - Know Your Transit Rights
Spanish - Conozca sus derechos de usuario de la TTC
Simplified Chinese -了解您搭乘公交时的权利
Traditional Chinese - 瞭解您搭乘公交時的權利
Tamil - TTC இல்் உங்் கள்் போ�ோக்்குவரத்்து உரிிமைைகளைை அறிந்்து கொொள்் ளுங்் கள
Vietnamese - Biết về Quyền Sử dụng Phương tiện Giao thông Công cộng của Bạn trên TTC
Hindi - टीटीसी (TTC) पर अपने ट्रांज़िट अधिकारों को जान
Punjabi - TTC ‘ਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਟ੍ਰਾਂਜ਼ਿਟ ਦੇ ਅਧਿਕਾਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਜਾਣ
Tagalog - Alamin ang Iyong Mga Karapatan sa Pagsakay sa TTC
Wheel-Trans "Family of Services" - Short Guide
Traditional Chinese - Wheel-Trans專車服務正在進行改革
English - Wheel-Trans "Family of Services"
Simplified Chinese - Wheel-Trans 轮椅专车服务变动
Arabic - التغيير على نظام ويل ترانس
Farsi - برنامه Wheel-Trans در حال تغییر است
Wheel-Trans "Family of Services" - Long Guide
English - Wheel-Trans "Family of Services" Long Guide
Simplified Chinese - Wheel-Trans "Family of Services" Long Guide
The "Know Your Transit Rights" guide is made possible through the generous support of The Law Foundation of Ontario. The Law Foundation of Ontario has been advancing access to justice since 1974. Through granting and collaboration, the Foundation invests in knowledge and services that help people understand the law and use it to improve their lives. The Foundation also administers the Class Proceedings Fund, which provides cost assistance in class actions. Learn more at
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I record transit enforcement or TTC staff during an interaction?
- A: Yes, you have the right to take videos and photos of police and transit enforcement staff. They cannot confiscate your phone or camera and they cannot ask you for a copy of pictures or recordings.
Q: Can an operator stop me from boarding a transit vehicle if I do not pay my fare?
- A: A bus or streetcar operator is not supposed to confront you if you do not pay your fare, because it is not their job to enforce fares. If you do not pay your fare, a fare inspector or special constable may issue you a ticket. Only special constables can use force; Fare inspectors and security guards can only use force in self-defence or as a last resort to protect members of the public.
Q: If my 2-hour PRESTO transfer expires while I am still on transit, am I fare evading?
- A: Under the TTC’s rules, you are allowed to complete your trip after your 2-hour window expires if you are on a vehicle or in a station. However, if you leave a station or get off a vehicle and make another transfer after the 2-hour window expires, you will need to tap and pay an additional fare.
Q: If I am caught fare evading, am I automatically issued a ticket?
- A: A fare inspector is allowed to use discretion and can choose to give you a warning instead of a ticket, or ask that you pay your fare on the spot. A fare inspector has access to your PRESTO payment history on their device.