TTC service cuts are preventable

“TTCriders supports mandatory vaccination of TTC staff because it will keep riders and workers safe. We all have a collective responsibility to protect each other by getting vaccinated and wearing a mask, whether we are transit riders or workers. 

TTC service cuts are unacceptable. The TTC and all levels of government must take immediate steps to ensure that sufficient operations funding is available to hire more operators and prevent cuts. Other transit agencies have avoided service cuts while implementing vaccine mandates. 

The TTC has been operating “just enough” service during the pandemic because it lacks stable operations funding from provincial and federal governments. Emergency funding through the Safe Restart Agreement has expired. The TTC could have already hired more operators, but is taking a “wait and see” approach due to tight financial margins. Is the TTC’s recent announcement being driven by a need to contain costs? Without ongoing operations funding, the TTC lacks the ability to plan ahead for unexpected events, such as the looming labour shortage.

Strong public support for vaccinations is needed from ATU Local 113. Transit workers had to fight for basic protections like wearing masks and getting priority access to vaccines earlier in the pandemic, which has eroded trust in TTC management. Sending a clear message that vaccinations protect all riders and workers is vital.  

A vaccination mandate must go hand-in-hand with policies to make vaccination accessible to all, including the temporary workers TTC hires that have no access to paid sick days. A vaccine mandate should not replace needed safety measures like adding bus service to address crowding, distributing masks, and ensuring that riders are wearing them. During the pandemic, the TTC has refused to enforce its mandatory mask rules in an effective and safe way by hiring staff to encourage their use.

TTCriders is also calling for increased service levels, transit priority, lower fares, and better education about face mask use to win back transit riders.”

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Shelagh Pizey-Allen
(416) 309-9026

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