
John Tory's Service Cuts

John Tory's transit budgets are methodically and systematically destroying the TTC through less frequent, slower and overcrowded service.

For the 2017 budget, John Tory is now talking about a minor increase in funding to avoid service reductions. The reality is that service already has been reduced due to TTC budget shortfalls. In addition to this, today's service does not even meet the TTC's own standards, due to overcrowded routes.

Coming January to the TTC: Longer Waits for Higher Fares!

The cost for riding the TTC goes up January 1st. "But riders, when you pay more you get more, right?"


One week later, on January 8th, the TTC is adjusting its schedules with reduced service in the morning rush hour on 12 bus routes.

Jane and Finch TTCriders March Break Info-Session

Crowding Bus

TTCriders will be hosting an information session next Friday March 14th from 10:00am-noon at Brookview Middleschool 4505 Jane St. north of Jane and Finch.

There will be a presentation and discussion period followed by more fun activities. You guessed it: bring your whole family as there will be colouring books for the kids!

Record of City Councillors’ Transit Votes that Resulted in Service Cuts, Longer Wait Times, and Higher Fares

As a way of wishing you a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2014, the TTC Commission (and City Council, by default) is increasing the cost of TTC fares – yet again! On January 1, 2014, transit riders on the TTC can expect to pay $5

Council Listened and Restored TTC Funding

During the City budget vote at the January 17th City Council meeting, Councillor Josh Colle moved a motion to use $15 million of the City’s 2011 surplus to avoid cuts to a number of valued city services. This included directing $5 million to the TTC to prevent service reductions.

Report shows City’s 10% cut to the TTC's Budget will hurt riders in every ward

Today TTCriders revealed information from a secret TTC report that shows the City’s proposed 10% cut to the TTC’s operating subsidy will mean longer waits for more crowded buses and streetcars on routes in every ward in the City. Click this link to our media release and the list of service cuts:

Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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