Historic Win for Rapid Transit!
The shovels are heading back in the ground: Light-Rail Transit (LRT) is coming to Toronto!
After yesterday’s full day of debate in a Council Chamber packed with TTC riders, Council voted in favour of TTC Chair Karen Stintz’s LRT plan with a vote of 25-18.
All Councillors Should Back Stintz’s LRT Plan
TTCriders urges all Councillors to support the LRT transit expansion plan to be moved by TTC Chair Karen Stintz at special Council meeting on Wednesday.
Click here to Tell your Councillor to Support Rapid Transit Now!
Torontonians to TTC Chair: Please help stop the cuts and fare increase
Public outcry has exploded as Torontonians found out there will be cuts to 56 bus routes and 6 streetcar lines in the wards they travel through because of a 10% budget cut forced by City Hall. As a result, TTCriders issued a letter today asking Councillor Stintz, Chair of the TTC, to help stop the cuts and fare hike.