Finch West's Promise of Better Transit Broken
The rumblings of what Mayor Ford's new Transportation Plan to replace Transit City might look like is clearly leaving out people along Finch West, who were promised a Finch LRT. Mayor Ford's plan takes money allocated to Finch West and buries it underground along Eglinton, according to Bruce McCuaig of Metrolinx.
Metrolinx's Paul Bedford speaks up for transit
On Valentine's Day transit riders got a lovely note from Metrolinx board member and former Chief Planner for Toronto, Paul Bedford. In his excellent editorial, Ford's critical 100-year decisions, Mr. Bedford provides hope for TTCriders by illustrating how "progressive planning is not the exclusive preserve of the left or the right."
The Pembina Institute writes about what to look for in a new Toronto transit plan
On Wednesday February 2nd TTCriders made Toronto Transit Commission history!
Call or Email your City Councillor today and tell them we need more, better transit, not less!
TTCriders from across Toronto braved 2011’s first official “Snow Day” on February 2nd to address their concerns about transit service to the TTC. So many transit riders attended that an overflow room had to be opened. The meeting started just after 1:00pm and didn’t wrap up until after 10:00pm -- by all accounts the longest and most-attended meeting in the Toronto Transit Commission’s history!
TTC proposes major service cuts to bus routes
Send an email to your Councillor and Mayor Ford now and let them know you support transit expansion through the Transit City light rail network and that you don't support cuts to TTC bus service. To send your email click here.
Light Rail plan delivers more winners than Subway Extensions
Tell your Councillor to support Transit City
Email your Councillor and ask them to support Transit City now.
Work is under way to bring light rail transit to the neighbourhoods across the City that surround Sheppard Ave, Eglinton Ave, and Finch Ave, but Mayor Ford has ordered the TTC to stop this work.
Sign up to join TTCriders
Click here to join TTCriders.
Our public transit system should provide good, dependable service that is accessible and affordable for everyone in our communities. While we’ve seen progress in some areas, we’ve also experienced multiple fare hikes, major cuts by the Provincial Government to the Transit City Light Rail plan, and a marked decline in provincial funding for the operations of the TTC.
Council candidates graded on public transit
This week the Public Transit Coalition (PTC) released an report card grading some candidates for City Council on a range of transit-related issues.
Candidates where emailed 10 "Yes or No" questions about building the Transit City plan, keeping the TTC publicly owned and governed, and the need for sustainable operating subsidies to keep TTC fares in check. The complete list of survey questions and over 100 candidate responses can be found sorted by ward here.
Thank you for signing our petition
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Thank you so much for contacting your elected official! Stay involved.
1. Tell others. Share our Fair Deal for Riders petition on facebook. Here's the link: