Transit News

Great Toronto Star Series on TTC drivers

Monday's Toronto Star features an excellent column on the TTC by Joe Fiorito,  the Star's City Columnist.  In his column Joe Fiorito interviews three anonymous transit workers on the sorry state of the  system and the poor relations between workers, riders and management.

A Preview of the TTC's June 8th Meeting

The Toronto Transit Commission meets on June 8th at 1:00 pm with a packed agenda.  Here are some of the big items before the Commission on Wednesday:

  • A preliminary 2012 Operating Budget showing a shortfall of at least $39 million. This shortfall doesn't include the added costs of collective bargaining after the TTC has been declared an essential service. This new reality could add another $20 or $30 million in expenses to the operating budget.

Planning and Growth and the TTC

The following is a brief report from TTC rider Jacob L. on the City's recent Planning and Growth Management committee meeting.

The meeting included two separate motions requesting information on how to improve public transit on Finch Ave West and Sheppard Ave East, now that Mayor Ford and Metrolinx have moved away from the planned Finch West and Sheppard East Light Rail Transit lines.

Speak up for Public Transit at City Hall

On Monday May 30th at 9:30am the City's Planning and Growth Management Committee is meeting at City Hall in Committee Room #1. At this meeting Committee members will be discussing two very important public transit issues and we need people to speak up for more and better public transit!

Mayor's Transit Plan Forgets Finch, Snubs Scarborough and Risks Taxpayers Money

On the morning of March 31st, Mayor Ford finally revealed the plan he wants to replace Transit City with. There are lots of pretty lines on the map. But reading the fine print shows suburban Torontonians are the big losers.

The Mayor's New Transit Plan Leaves Out Suburban TTC Riders

Thursday, March 31st at 9:00am, hidden away from public scrutiny in the Wilson Subway Carhouse, Mayor Ford and Premier McGuinty will announce they have reached an agreement on a new transit expansion plan. This new plan ignores the needs of transit riders in the suburbs.

Proposed Transit Deal Leaves Suburbs Without Any New Provincially Funded Transit

Email or Call your elected officials today to have your say on Toronto's transit future!

Today the Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) released new maps comparing the original Metrolinx light rail transit plan with the one rumoured to be proposed by the Mayor and Premier.

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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