Doug Ford tells Scarborough TTC riders to take a hike


By Shaun Cleaver

Last evening I rode the 134C from Scarborough Town Centre to Centennial College for the mayoral debate. Although I suspect that I was one of the few debate participants who came by transit, the bendy buses going the other way were loaded to the doors with students.

During the debate we repeatedly heard Doug Ford pontificate about "standing up for Scarborough" and "not leaving the people of Scarborough out in the cold," as references to his support for the 3 stop Bloor-Danforth subway extension, instead of the LRT that would have had a station outside the college.

In response to pointed questioning about transit service to the college Doug Ford's response was "the good news is that there will be a station at Scarborough Town Centre and another at Sheppard and McCowan. I know it's a bit far, but you'll be able to take the subway and walk."

Doug Ford, are you kidding me?

At least John Tory talked about the need for express bus service to the campus from the subway, and Olivia Chow maintained her support to for a 7-stop grade separated LRT with direct connections to Scarborough Centre, Sheppard Avenue and Kennedy Station.

On my way out I just missed a departing 134. The next one came 18 minutes later. It was a little cold last evening as I was standing outside. Somehow I did not feel very 'stood up for.'

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