Bad Grades for TTC in TTCriders' Report Card

Today, TTCriders released its first ever report card evaluating the TTC’s performance from the perspective of TTC users.

The report card rates the TTC on how well it has done in achieving five goals important to TTC users which are key parts of  TTCriders' Vision: creating fair and affordable fares; building modern, fast transit to all corners of the city as fast as possible; making public transit fully accessible transit; providing frequent service that connects all of Toronto; and environmental sustainability.

While building modern, fast transit into all corners of the city is getting back on track at City Hall action towards achieving the other goals have been delayed, derailed or not taken.The report card makes it clear the TTC is not on track toward building a public transit system that properly serves the needs of all transit users. The key reason is lack of investment in maintaining and improving existing public transit services.

Click Here to read The State of Public Transit in Toronto - July 2012.

Click Here to read TTCriders Media Release on the Report Card.

Much of the blame with the TTCʼs lacklustre performance lies with the Province and Federal Governments because they fail to provide real financial support for the TTC. Improving the TTC’s performance and building the public transit system Torontonians deserve needs proper investment in transit operations in Toronto.

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