
The plans that City Planning is proposing for the subway extension do not match the plans for Scarborough Centre (also from City Planning)

From the TTCriders Scarborough Committee

What is the plan for Scarborough Centre? This seems like a simple question, but it is one that has us confused. Very confused.

On the one hand, a one-stop subway extension is included as part of the proposed Scarborough Rapid Transit Network because it “Supports the development of Scarborough Centre as a vibrant regional urban centre.” Those of us using Scarborough Centre station on the RT today look out at the fields of parking surrounding the mall and Civic Centre can be excused for thinking that the plan is to re-purpose those lots into the type of place you would want to ride transit to, i.e., a vibrant urban centre.

Bad Grades for TTC in TTCriders' Report Card

Today, TTCriders released its first ever report card evaluating the TTC’s performance from the perspective of TTC users.

The report card rates the TTC on how well it has done in achieving five goals important to TTC users which are key parts of  TTCriders' Vision: creating fair and affordable fares; building modern, fast transit to all corners of the city as fast as possible; making public transit fully accessible transit; providing frequent service that connects all of Toronto; and environmental sustainability.

Tell your Councillor you Support the LRT Plan Before Wednesday's Special Meeting

At their Special Meeting on Wednesday City Council will decide on the future of rapid transit on Sheppard Avenue East. Council will be voting on how to add to our public transit network: Build Light Rail Transit on Sheppard Avenue East in the next 4 years OR Delay improving transit for decades while we wait for a dubious subway scheme.

Sheppard Transit Advisory Panel Report is out - LRT is the preferred rapid transit mode

TTCriders can now review the report from the City's Sheppard Transit Expert Advisory Panel available here.

This Panel was created by City Council at their Special Meeting on Transit Expansion on February 8th.

An Anti-LRT Group is Meeting at Scarborough City Centre on Monday

On Monday March 19th there will be another so called "Town Hall Meeting" on the Future of Toronto Transit. This one is hosted by a "Citizens group"called SAFE (Subways Are For Everyone) at 7:00 p.m. at the Scarborough Civic Centre (150 Borough Drive).

Mayor's Transit Plan Forgets Finch, Snubs Scarborough and Risks Taxpayers Money

On the morning of March 31st, Mayor Ford finally revealed the plan he wants to replace Transit City with. There are lots of pretty lines on the map. But reading the fine print shows suburban Torontonians are the big losers.

The Mayor's New Transit Plan Leaves Out Suburban TTC Riders

Thursday, March 31st at 9:00am, hidden away from public scrutiny in the Wilson Subway Carhouse, Mayor Ford and Premier McGuinty will announce they have reached an agreement on a new transit expansion plan. This new plan ignores the needs of transit riders in the suburbs.

Metrolinx's Paul Bedford speaks up for transit

On Valentine's Day transit riders got a lovely note from Metrolinx board member and former Chief Planner for Toronto, Paul Bedford. In his excellent editorial, Ford's critical 100-year decisions, Mr. Bedford provides hope for TTCriders by illustrating how "progressive planning is not the exclusive preserve of the left or the right."

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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