On the morning of Friday September 16th the Toronto Transit Commission will be asked to approve operating and capital budgets that will drastically reduce the TTC’s ability to deliver good customer service.
Please sign up to speak out for more and better public transit, not less at the TTC meeting on Friday September 16th by calling 416-393-3698 or emailing [email protected].
To talk about the proposed service cuts which include allowing even more overcrowding on transit vehicles, further reducing the frequency of the busiest rush hour bus routes and the decision to layoff transit vehicle operators, or the approval in principle of a $0.10 fare hike, tell the clerk you'd like to speak on the TTC's Operating Budget.
If you want to speak about the proposal to reduce the number of new transit vehicles the TTC will order including canceling the order of 134 new buses, 15 light rail vehicles and new 10 Toronto Rocket subway trains, tell the clerk you'd like to speak on the TTC's Capital Budget.
You can register to speak on both items if you want to. These cuts are are completely unjustifiable!
TTC management and staff know these cuts are the wrong thing to be doing, especially with such high transit ridership. They even make note of this fact on page 3 of the 2012 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets document:
"Ridership is budgeted at an all-time record high of 503 million rides. This represents an increase of 16 million annual rides over the 2011 budget of 487 million. At a time of record ridership and ever-increasing demands for enhanced customer service, consideration for increasing resources to meet those needs would normally be given."
It's up to us to tell Transit Commissioners to reject the Mayor’s 10% funding cut and to stand up for and better transit for TTCriders.
Please join TTCriders and speak up against TTC service cuts on Friday morning!