For the second time in less than a month, 5 TTC Commissioners are trying to silence TTC staff from doing their jobs: giving expert opinions on transit expansion that contradicts the Mayor’s calls for subways. This time, they are threatening to fire Gary Webster, TTC Chief General Manager.
Historic Win for Rapid Transit!
The shovels are heading back in the ground: Light-Rail Transit (LRT) is coming to Toronto!
After yesterday’s full day of debate in a Council Chamber packed with TTC riders, Council voted in favour of TTC Chair Karen Stintz’s LRT plan with a vote of 25-18.
Mayor Ford’s Transit Cuts Are Bad for Business
Mayor Rob Ford is forcing the TTC to make bad business decisions by imposing an absolute 10% cut to TTC funding. With more riders than at any time in the TTC’s 90 year history, cuts to TTC service are completely unjustifiable!
Top Transit Stories February 5th-12th 2010
Over the past week TTC customer service has been in the news quite a bit. Whether comments from the President of Transit Union Local 113 Bob Kinnear or the General Manager Gary Webster the situation is emotional to say the least. With a lot of negative press recently the TTC did have some good news when announcing their 2009 budget this past week as well as the anticipation of an announcement of who will be part of the Customer Service Advisory Panel.