On Wednesday February 2nd TTCriders made Toronto Transit Commission history!

Call or Email your City Councillor today and tell them we need more, better transit, not less!

TTCriders from across Toronto braved 2011’s first official “Snow Day” on February 2nd to address their concerns about transit service to the TTC. So many transit riders attended that an overflow room had to be opened. The meeting started just after 1:00pm and didn’t wrap up until after 10:00pm -- by all accounts the longest and most-attended meeting in the Toronto Transit Commission’s history!

Riders were out in such force because of the TTC’s proposal for evening, late night, weekend and seasonal service cuts to 41 bus routes in the name of budget efficiency. Many TTCriders also asked the Commission to approve the building of a new Maintenance and Storage Facility at Leslie Street and Lake Shore Blvd; a facility that is vital for the replacement of our old crowded streetcars with new modern light rail vehicles.

What transpired was very moving. More than 100 TTCriders spoke to the Commission about how the proposed bus cuts would hurt them personally, and how they believe Toronto should be building more and better transit, not less transit. Most of those who made deputations had never attended a meeting at City Hall before. They spoke up because they depend on the TTC, and their ability to get around the City was being threatened for the sake of budget efficiencies.

At the end of the day TTCriders clearly made an impression on the Commission. The Commission unanimously endorsed the staff report to build the much needed Maintenance and Storage Facility for the new light rail vehicles (LRVs).

However, despite the numerous appeals and presentations by transit riders, the TTC decided to cut service on 41 bus routes throughout our City.


The TTC proposed a cut to 48 bus routes in January, and received significant public outcry and many phone calls and letters demanding better service, not less service. The TTC agreed to put off the final decision on cuts until February 2nd, and held a series of public open house meetings about the proposed cuts in the last week of January. On January 31st, the TTC announced that their bus cut proposal was revised and now cut service to only 41 routes.

Beginning in May tens of thousands of TTCriders will lose their evening, late night, weekend and seasonal bus routes. We need to speak up and ensure that these types of service cuts do not become the norm. We need to continue to raise our voices and make sure TTC Commissioners, our Mayor, our City Councillors, and any other transit decision makers hear us.

Let’s get on with building Transit City and with improving transit service throughout the City. We want more, better transit, not less!

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