City Manager Refers TTC Cuts to Commission

Please call or email TTC Commissioners right now & ask them to say no to TTC cuts!

Toronto's City Manager hasn't ruled out any of the following transit cuts suggested by KPMG:

  • Rolling back transit service improvements brought in under the TTC's highly successful Ridership Growth Strategy,
  • Changing the TTC's crowding standards and service frequency standards which will lead to more overcrowding and less frequent TTC service,
  • Cutting the TTC's heavily used Blue Night Bus Network or keeping it and charging an extra fare for this vital service, and
  • Making it harder for Torontonians to access Wheel-Trans by introducing stricter criteria and/or out-sourcing more of this service to the private sector!
  • We need to tell TTC Commissioners at their September 16th that we want more and better transit, NOT LESS.

    Please call or email them today!

    The TTC is holding a special budget meeting on Friday September 16, at 8:30 am in Toronto City Hall. If you'd like to speak to the Commission on these cuts, call 416-393-3698 or email [email protected]. Please also email [email protected] if you are willing and able to speak up against these cuts and for more and better public transit.

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