TTCriders Submits Application to Join the TTC Commission

[caption id="attachment_3636" align="alignnone" width="1024"]Will the selection committee choose someone that represents transit riders like us? Write to the selection committee members and tell them what you think. Will the selection committee choose someone that represents transit riders like Helen Liu and seniors fighting for reduced fares? Write to the selection committee members and tell them that you want people on the commission who will represent riders[/caption]

Earlier this month, TTCriders Executive Director Jessica Bell was elected by our members to represent us when applying to the TTC Commission. The TTC Commission has four vacancies that must be filled by members of the public. We are now in the selection process of the City's public appointments to the Commission.

We at TTCriders feel that Jessica is the most qualified applicant to guide a commission of such importance to the daily lives of Torontonians. Moreover she rides the TTC every day so she knows the crowded conditions and terrible service faced by most of the 1.8 million riders across the city.

Please send a nice message to the selection committee asking them to include the voice of riders at City Hall. 

The selection committee for appointing the new citizen commissioners includes:

· Christin Carmichael Greb · Raymond Cho · Justin J. Di Ciano · Paula Fletcher · Norman Kelly · Chin Lee · Giorgio Mammoliti · Denzil Minnan-Wong (Chair) · Cesar Palacio

With the exception of Paula Fletcher and newly elected councilors Christin Carmichael Greb and Justin J. Di CIano, all of the City Councilors voted to cut service to 41 bus routes in 2011 and forego investing $5 million of the TTC's surplus back into TTC services in 2013.  More info about their voting record here.

Here's the new list of the newly appointed  TTC commissioners:

Councillors Denzil Minnan-Wong; Joe Mihevc; Glenn De Baeremaeker; Vincent Crisanti; Josh Colle (Chair); Shelley Carroll and John Campbell. The remainder are public appointees and have yet to be interviewed and selected.

Not surprisingly, City News discovered that the majority of councillors on the TTC Commission by their own admission  don't even use the TTC regularly.

With a majority of Commission members not even riding the TTC frequently to be able to understand the issues on the ground, how can riders expect rider-centric decisions to be made? How can we expect any meaningful progress on a low-income pass, reduced fares or increased service?  We riders need representation.

Please send a message to the selection committee asking them to include the voice of riders at City Hall. 

Check out these links for more info:

Riders group seeks seat on TTC board - Metro News

Transit Toronto talks about rider vote on TTC board - Transit Toronto

Majority of TTC board members don't ride transit - City News

Board debates could be decided by citizen reps, not councillors - Toronto Star

Who voted to cut service? - City Hall voting record on transit

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Malvern, Lawrence Heights, Rexdale most impacted by planned restrictions to door-to-door Wheel-Trans service, data shows

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