It's Time to Stand up for TTC Services

The consultants hired by Mayor Ford and City Council have suggested major cuts to TTC services.

Please call or email your Councillor right now & ask them to say no to TTC cuts!

The consultant's report suggests money saving opportunities for the City by:

  • Privatizing some TTC services. (This has been a disaster in other cities around the world),
  • Rolling back transit service improvements brought in under the TTC's highly successful Ridership Growth Strategy,
  • Changing the TTC's crowding standards and service frequency standards which will lead to more overcrowding and less frequent TTC service,
  • Cutting the TTC's heavily used Blue Night Bus Network or keeping it and charging an extra fare for this vital service, and
  • Making it harder for Torontonians to access to Wheel-Trans by introducing stricter criteria and/or out-sourcing more of this service to the private sector!
Clearly these consultants aren't familiar with the TTC!    If they were, they'd know ...
  • The TTC is experiencing its highest ridership levels ever, which has meant more overcrowding and higher demand for transit services.
  • TTCriders pay more than 70% of the costs to operate the TTC, which is by far the highest ratio in North America!
  • The Blue Night Bus Network and Wheel-Trans are essential parts of the TTC that are heavily used and relied on by hundreds of thousands Torontonians.
Please Call your City Councillor and ask them to say no to more TTC service cuts!

You can find your City Councillor's phone number and address on this website. Every call a Councillor receives from a constituent has an impact on how they vote in City Council.

Also please be prepared to Stand up for the TTC in September!

The following  City Council and TTC metings will shape the future of our City's public services. TTCriders need to be active participants in these meetings to ensure our voice is heard.

September 9th  - Toronto Transit Commission - Special Budget Meeting

September 19th - Executive Committee Meeting

September 20th - Toronto Transit Commission

September 21st - Regular City Council Meeting

September 26th - Special City Council Meeting

Please email [email protected] if you are willing and able to speak up against these cuts and for more and better public transit at these September meetings.

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Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Work For Us
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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