John Tory's Service Cuts

John Tory's transit budgets are methodically and systematically destroying the TTC through less frequent, slower and overcrowded service.

For the 2017 budget, John Tory is now talking about a minor increase in funding to avoid service reductions. The reality is that service already has been reduced due to TTC budget shortfalls. In addition to this, today's service does not even meet the TTC's own standards, due to overcrowded routes.

We riders know that service is not good enough. Beyond our own experiences, we have been following the news and the numbers to know that John Tory's claims of maintaining service quality are inaccurate. To help riders see through the smoke screen, we explain service reductions in more detail here and explain overcrowding here.

Through 2016 to January 2017, there were 64 TTC routes that were either overcrowded or had their service reduced.  When a route is overcrowded the TTC is required to increase service to reduce overcrowding to meet its crowding standards. Check below to see if your TTC route is among those.

6 Bay: service reduced in January 7 Bathurst: overcrowded & service reduced in November 11 Bayview: overcrowded & service reduced in November 14 Glencairn: service reduced in January 16 McCowan: service reduced in January 22 Coxwell: overcrowded 23 Dawes: overcrowded 24 Victoria Park: overcrowded 29 Dufferin: overcrowded & service reduced in November 32 Eglinton West: overcrowded & service reduced in January 35 Jane: service reduced in November 36 Finch West: overcrowded 38 Highland Creek: service reduced in January 41 Keele: overcrowded 42 Cummer: overcrowded 43 Kennedy: service reduced in November 45 Kipling: overcrowded 46 Martin Grove: service reduced in January 51 Leslie: service reduced in January 52 Lawrence West: overcrowded 53 Steeles East: overcrowded 56 Leaside: service reduced in November 57 Midland: service reduced in November 60 Steeles West: overcrowded 63 Ossington: overcrowded 68 Warden: service reduced in November 73 Royal York: service reduced in November 75 Sherbourne: overcrowded 79 Scarlett Rd: service reduced in November 84 Sheppard West: overcrowded 85 Sheppard: overcrowded & service reduced in January 89 Weston: overcrowded 90 Vaughan: service reduced in November 95 York Mills: overcrowded 102 Markham Rd: overcrowded & service reduced in January 108 Downsview: overcrowded & service reduced in November 111 East Mall: overcrowded 112 West Mall: service reduced in January 116 Morningside: overcrowded 121 Fort York-Esplanade: service reduced in November 122 Graydon Hall: overcrowded 123 Shorncliffe: overcrowded & service reduced in January 124 Sunnybrook: service reduced in November 125 Drewry: overcrowded 129 McCowan North: service reduced in November 131 Nugget: overcrowded 133 Neilson: overcrowded & service reduced in November 161 Rogers Rd: service reduced in November 168 Symington: service reduced in November 190 Scarborough Rocket: service reduced in January 191 Hwy 27 Rocket: overcrowded 192 Airport Rocket: overcrowded 195 Jane Rocket: overcrowded 198 UTSC Rocket: overcrowded 199 Finch Rocket: overcrowded 501 Queen: overcrowded 504 King: overcrowded & service reduced in November 505 Dundas: overcrowded 506 Carlton: overcrowded 509 Harbourfront: overcrowded 510 Spadina: overcrowded 511 Bathurst: overcrowded 512 St. Clair: overcrowded 514 Cherry: overcrowded & service reduced in November

**We will continue to update this page as we learn more information about service reductions and overcrowding.

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