Take action: Don’t hike fares on the subway


“It used to take me 30 minutes to ride the subway to school, but since Metrolinx hiked fares on the Spadina line, I can’t afford it.  Now I ride two crowded buses and a streetcar to get to school, and it takes me an hour and a half.”  TTC rider, Suhail Barot.

This could be our future, unless we take action now.

Metrolinx wants to radically alter our fare system for the worse.  Starting in 2017, we could see:

    • Fare hikes for riders in our inner suburbs.  Fare by distance will hurt riders in Scarborough, Etobicoke, and North York, areas that are poorer than other Toronto suburbs.  Riders should not have to pay more for long commutes.
    • Fare hikes for the subway and LRT.  This will force many riders onto slower and overcrowded buses.  We should all have equal access to fast, reliable public transit.
If the Wynne Government and Metrolinx truly want to help riders they should fairly fund public transit, not force an unfair fare scheme upon us.  It’s time to help all riders, not rip us off.

We say yes to:

  • One fare for the 416
  • Fair provincial government funding for the TTC and public transit
  • Two-hour fare transfers
  • Cheap transfers between the TTC and GO
  • No fare hikes or loss of service for any rider

We say no to:

  • Fare-by-distance in the 416
  • Fare hikes for faster transit
Now is the time to take action because Metrolinx is preparing to present its fare plan at its June 28th board meeting.

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