Fare Integration

Keep Scarborough Connected!

A new community research report from TTCriders warns that the majority of Scarborough transit users are not aware that Line 3 Scarborough RT will close permanently in 2023. Our report calls for urgent measures to prevent the worst-case scenario of 7+ years of replacement shuttle buses stuck in traffic. Read below and sign the petition!

The future of Toronto transit fares: January 28 webinar

The pandemic has changed the way we think about public services like the TTC. Transit doesn’t just get us from A to B, it is a lifeline that connects us to essential jobs, health care, and groceries.

It's more important than ever for transit riders to have a voice and share our vision. The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is creating a 5-year plan for transit fares. Without input from riders like you, the new plan won't reflect our needs.

Executive: Vote for Fair Fare Integration Tomorrow


On Tuesday, October 24, Executive Committee will be voting on Agenda Item 28.6: Advancing Fare Integration, which approves of the provincial government paying for a $1.50 fare discount for riders who transfer between GO and the TTC.  This means a rider who uses GO or the Union Pearson Express will pay $1.50 to board the TTC instead of $3.00, and the discount works the other way as well. This discount is part of Metrolinx's fare integration plan to harmonize fare systems across the GTHA.

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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