December 14th is D-Day for the TTC

>Wednesday December 14th the TTC will vote to approve its 2012 budget. If this budget is not improved, we will be forced to pay more money for worse transit service next year. This just doesn't make sense and it isn't right! TTCriders, we need your help!  The members of the Toronto Transit Commission need to hear from you. They need to be reminded that it's their job to do what's best for the TTC and its users. Service Cuts and Fare Hikes will do nothing to help the record number of Torontonians who use the TTC every day. Forcing transit riders to pay more to be squished on to overcrowded, less frequent buses will only keep people away from using the better way. We know it doesn't have to be this way. We need you to sign up and speak up for more and better public transit in Toronto. Please register to make a public deputation at the TTC's final meeting of 2011. Just call 416-393-3698 or email [email protected] and ask to speak about the TTC's 2012 budget. It will take a lot of us to get TTC Commissioners to do their job. We want them to:
  1. Say no to the 10% reduction in the TTC's operating budget.
  2. Vote against the proposed fare hike.
  3. Work with us to get the Province to return to fair funding of the TTC's operating costs.
We won't get a better TTC by creating more crowding and cutting bus service. We will get a better TTC by investing in more and better service and getting the Province to pay its fair share.  Please stand up for our TTC and speak up on December 14th. Sign up to to speak up at the TTC meeting on December 14th @ 1:00pm.

If you can't make the meeting, write your Councillor and tell them to speak up for more at better TTC. Visit to share your concerns directly with you City Councillor.

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Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
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Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
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Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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