Scroll down to read about each key transit issue and see our list of sources. Share this info on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok. Click here to view which Scarborough election candidates signed the pledge to fund more bus service in Scarborough, the Eglinton East LRT, and integration between GO and TTC fares.
The issue: Operating funding for public transit
Why it matters: Stable operating funding is the key to better and more affordable service to help recover from the pandemic. The TTC relies on rider fares for the majority of its operating budget. Fewer riders during the pandemic has created major budget shortfalls. The provincial and federal governments provided several rounds of emergency funding during the pandemic, but the TTC is projecting shortfalls for the next 2 years. Operating funding means more buses to your local stop and less pressure on the TTC to increase fares. More operating funding will also help expand Wheel-Trans service (the TTC is limiting some Wheel-Trans users from door-to-door service to cut costs) and meet the needs of Scarborough transit users (it will cost $67 million to fund the replacement bus service needed when the Scarborough RT closes in 2023, but this is still unfunded). The provincial government used to provide 50% of municipal transit operating subsidies, but this funding model ended in 1998.
What TTCriders is calling for: The provincial government should bring back funding for 50% of municipal transit operating subsidies, in addition to providing dynamic emergency support to meet pandemic budget shortfalls as ridership recovers.
The issue: Better bus service
Why it matters: Increasing the number of people using transit will help meet our climate goals, and research shows that increasing and improving bus service is the best way to attract new riders. The TTC was overcrowded and unreliable before the pandemic. More bus service will help us build back better. And, when the Scarborough RT closes in 2023, we will be taking replacement buses for at least 7 years until the subway extension opens.
What TTCriders is calling for: Funding for more frequent, reliable bus service. More bus lanes and transit priority measures so buses don’t get stuck in traffic.
Will triple number of dedicated bus lanes by 2025.
Committed to frequent transit, no further details.
Will provide an estimated $381 million per year to TTC, which can be used to boost service, plus more for other agencies.
Will provide $375 million in annual transit operating funding Ontario-wide, supporting more routes, extended hours of service, improved accessibility and more intercity connections.
Will implement a 10-minutes-or-better service guarantee for core TTC routes & on other systems.
Will help implement bus lanes across Toronto and a busway in the decommissioned Scarborough RT corridor.
Will provide an estimated $381 million per year to TTC, which can be used to boost service, plus more for other agencies.
The provincial government's 2051 Transportation Plan includes the following goal: “frequent local transit service goal of 10 mins or less during peak periods… providing local service and connections to and from the higher order transit network.”
The issue: Creating a flat fare in Toronto and integrating fares across the GTA
Why it matters: A flat fare will unlock more rapid transit in Toronto. GO Train and Union Pearson Express stations serve areas of Toronto without rapid TTC service, but they are underused because many people can’t afford to pay double fares. There are 7 GO Train stations in Scarborough. Subsidizing a single flat fare in Toronto is a quick solution to create more transit options when the Scarborough RT closes in 2023.
What TTCriders is calling for: Provincial subsidies for a flat fare within Toronto so that riders can use and transfer freely between TTC, GO, and Union Pearson Express. Provincial subsidies for integrating fares that keeps important and equitable features of our current fare structure like a flat fare in Toronto and the existing 2-hour window in Toronto.
The issue: Reducing the cost of taking transit
Why it matters: The high cost of public transit limits our access to jobs, education, and more. Transit users during the pandemic who could not work from home were more likely earn lower incomes, be racialized, or have a disability. TTCriders’ community report based on focus group conversations with over 300 people in multiple languages found that unaffordable fares and unreliable service were the top two issues for riders.
What TTCriders is calling for: Stable funding for the TTC so it can lower fares for all to win back transit riders
The issue: Democratizing transit and keeping it public
Why it matters: Transparent, democratic decision-making supports greater accountability and value for riders. But Metrolinx in its current form, with no elected officials on its Board, is not responsive to many local community and equity concerns. For example, Metrolinx signed an exclusive deal with Shoppers Drug Mart to sell PRESTO tickets, which limits transit access in Scarborough compared to where you could buy TTC tokens. Metrolinx has also awarded contracts without a public procurement process and communities impacted by transit expansion have raised concerns about strong community benefits agreements. Under the provincial public-private partnership (P3) model, parts of our transit network will no longer be maintained by TTC despite its decades of experience. The Ottawa LRT had 2 derailments in 2021 and one was caused by "inconsistent and incomplete maintenance”; some of the same companies in charge have a 30-year contract to maintain the Eglinton Crosstown LRT.
What TTCriders is calling for: Keeping the “public” in public transit, with more transparency and accountability for riders with Metrolinx
Last updated May 27, 2022 to include information from GPO climate plan and NDP fiscal plan.
Sources are also linked above within the text.
2021-22 Gas Tax Funding by Municipality:
Connecting the GGH: A Transportation Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2051 Transportation Plan):
Green Party of Ontario 2022 Platform:
Green Party of Ontario climate plan:
Liberal Party of Ontario 2022 Platform:
"Metrolinx extends Presto supplier's contract for three years at more than $400 million without bidding process: source":
New Democratic Party of Ontario 2022 Platform:
New Democratic Party of Ontario 2022 Toronto-focused Platform:
New Democratic Party of Ontario 2022 platform costing:
Ontario Budget 2022:
Ontario Human Rights Commission Letter to TTC and Metrolinx:
"Ottawa’s colossal LRT debacle: A brief-ish history":
Toronto's Fair Pass Transit Discount Program:
TTC 2019 operating subsidy: