
Evidence-based and human rights approaches to fare loss

Read our letter to the TTC Audit and Risk Management Committee that provides context from other cities and service and information gaps related to TTC fare enforcement, and how to approach fare loss from a more humane and evidence-based perspective that reduces harm and discrimination against transit riders.

Volunteers blitz transit users to reverse TTC service cuts


Volunteers blitz transit users to reverse TTC service cuts

TTC users were greeted at 20+ transit stops across Toronto on Thursday. Volunteers distributed thousands of flyers with instructions to call Mayor John Tory about proposed cuts, fare increases, and a commercial parking levy to fund climate and transit. 

Expand access and TTC service, not policing


“Expand access and TTC service, not policing”: Transit user group slams fare increase, police expansion, possible cuts

January 4, 2023 (Toronto, ON) —TTCriders, a membership organization of transit users in Toronto, released the following statement in response to Mayor John Tory’s announcement about the 2023 TTC Budget, which has not yet been published publicly: 

Half of new Council committed to opposing TTC cuts

Thirteen (13) of the twenty-five (25) newly elected Toronto City Councillors on October 24, 2022 completed a TTCriders survey on transit issues before the election. All 13 of the Councillors have committed to oppose cuts to service if the TTC faces continued budget shortfalls. Read their full survey responses.

Take action

Bus lanes now
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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