"Premier Dalton McGuinty should tame the Metrolinx beast" Toronto Star op-ed by Joell Vanderwagen, TTCrider

With the best of intentions, Premier Dalton McGuinty created Metrolinx as the provincial agency charged with developing a regional transit network for the Greater Toronto Area, building on the existing GO Transit commuter system.

Through Metrolinx, the province is also funding four much-needed urban rapid transit lines in the city of Toronto, in preparation for which the TTC has been engaged in extensive design work and construction planning, as well as a parallel process of public consultation.

But at its April board meeting, Metrolinx announced that it intends to take over the Toronto projects and do the work itself, thereby sidelining the work already done by the TTC, as well its department full of experienced staff, who will become largely redundant.

But why do we need two transit agencies and two levels of government involved in the detailed implementation of a local project? Why invade this arena of municipal jurisdiction and responsibility?

Click here to read the whole OPED: Premier Dalton McGuinty should tame the Metrolinx beast

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