Great Toronto Star Series on TTC drivers

Monday's Toronto Star features an excellent column on the TTC by Joe Fiorito,  the Star's City Columnist.  In his column Joe Fiorito interviews three anonymous transit workers on the sorry state of the  system and the poor relations between workers, riders and management.
Here are a few of highlights from the column:
It makes no sense to cut when times are tough, because that’s when people need affordable public transit most, and yet this city’s response in hard times is to cut routes, yap about the need for fare hikes, talk about cutting subsidies, and threaten to ditch staff. Listen closely:
The TTC is the least-subsidized transit system in the country. Three-quarters of the TTC’s operating budget comes from the fare box; nowhere else in the civilized world is there such an imbalance.
Click here to read the whole June 20th column.

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