TTCriders organized a Day of Action across the City of Toronto

On January 30, 2017, TTCriders organized a successful Day of Action across the City of Toronto. Volunteers converged at key intersections to mobilize riders and educate them on over-crowded routes, the recent fare hike, and the low per-rider municipal subsidy.
Our work garnered the attention of several news agencies:
Transit 'day of action' set for Monday, Toronto Sun
Advocacy group encourages TTC riders to call for more funding, better service, Toronto Star
TTC overcrowded or delayed? Call the mayor, say transit advocates, CBC News Toronto
TTC Riders advocacy group asks for support to protest service cuts, Talk Radio AM640
Transit advocacy group appeals to riders to protest proposed service cuts, CTV Toronto
Over-Crowded Routes
The TTC continues to argue that service levels continue to complement current ridership levels overall. However, data suggests otherwise. TTC data collected shows 43 of roughly 155 bus and streetcar routes exceed crowding standards at some point in the day.
Fare Hikes
For the sixth consecutive year, TTC commissioners voted in favour of a 10-cent fare hike.
Municipal Subsidy
The TTC subsidy per rider is 15-cents lower in 2016 than was provided to the TTC in 2010 (pg. 10).

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Crombie promises to install platform edge doors in Toronto subway stations if elected

Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie is promising to install barriers on all TTC subway platforms in Toronto if she becomes premier, an idea that has long been studied by TTC staff but could potentially cost billions if implemented across the network.

Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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