Tuesday the TTC wants to make cuts to the Post Secondary Student Metropass Program

On the agenda for the TTC meeting taking place this Tuesday, March 1st is
a motion to cut part-time post secondary students from the Post Secondary Student Metropass Program.  Both part-time and full-time students are currently eligible. Read the TTC report recommending this change here. : TTC Recommendation:

2. Approve an amendment to TTC Corporate Policy ... changing the eligibility criteria for the Post-Secondary Student Metropass to be full-time Post-Secondary students only, with no age restriction, enrolled in degree or diploma programs at a university, college or private career college (PCC)  effective with the sale of September 2011 Metropasses."

The meeting is taking place at 1pm on Tuesday March 1st at Toronto City Hall, Committee Room 2 (map). You can sign up to speak at the TTC meeting by emailing [email protected]. The deadline to make a request to speak is Monday February 28th at 12pm. Torontoist posted an article on this, which you can read here for more information.

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