Faiza Amin reports in this short video that TTC will possibly eliminate the second fare that riders have to use when they go from one transit agency to the other. The goal is to eliminate the double fare in the GTA, although there are some concerns that can arise. Concerns as how to reload the cards according to the new policies.
Fare Integration on the agenda at TTC meeting
Advocates say Ontario Place deal between province, Toronto falls short
Toronto agreed to allow the development of Ontario Place in exchange for the government uploading the DVP and the Gardiner Expressway. Flemingdon residents and others feel that there is a need for more funding to take care of the city needs such as financial crisis, transportation and shelters.There is about 300 million given in funding to TTC but, most is going in the LRT lines, but more is needed to help out with the ongoing crisis.
More TTC subway disruptions and overcrowding likely without federal, provincial funds for new trains
November 17, 2023 (Toronto, ON) – A new TTC staff report warns that less reliable subway service and more crowded trains are on the horizon if aging subway trains on Line 2 are not replaced. Transit advocacy group TTCriders is calling on Premier Ford and Prime Minister Trudeau to chip in for new trains on the TTC’s Line 2, and to add new trains to Line 1.
Survey Results: Scarborough Southwest City Councillor By-Election
TTCriders sent City Council candidates running in the Scarborough Southwest by-election an 11-question survey about transit issues. Scroll down to read their responses. Your next City Councillor will make decisions about how much the TTC costs, how often the bus comes, and more.
New TTC Line 3 Scarborough RT bus replacement plan begins on Sunday
After the derailment on July 24, a combination of 3 Line Replacement buses have been operating on Progress Avenue, Midland Avenue, Ellington Avenue West and Kennedy Road. There will be 903 shuttle buses on route, although shuttles can take longer then line 3 buses to arrive.To add on, if there is any accident on the route, then it can disrupt the route for all the other shuttles using that path. There is a requirement for better communication and signals that prioritize the buses and or shuttle.
The death of Line 3
The derailment, the tragedy which fell upon the general public as the RT train derailed, luckily there were no serious injuries. The government had planned to decommission the RT in November 2023. In place of the departed RT, there were shuttle replacements, but they have there own problems. The forgotten land, some people do not even know that line 3 ever existed, hence they are do not know the depth of this issue. The shuttles have their own issues in the winter such as delays, although the solutions given by the government are not yet working the best.TTC riders are trying their level best to advocate for better transportation rights.
Someone just gave TTC displays an impressive redesign
Shaban Mohammed is a mechanical engineer who has been working on the UX/UI designs for years. Research done has shown that there were usability issues with the old designs as people did not know to use them easily. The goal was to design a sign that would be easily understood by the general public, in which the stops would be indicated more clearly, which would result in easier navigation.
To Get Affordability Right, We Can't Trade Off Canadians Basic Needs
Forming the Affordability Action Council, leaders and experts from the committee are coming together to come up with solutions to be put into action for the federal government to assist with helping meet the basic needs of Canadians.Recent studies have shown that about 30% of Canadians are struggling with inadequate food, and that their income is not sufficient.As such these plans need to have attention, and must be effective ASAP to help Canadians.
Better transit will ease traffic: Letter to Councillors about "Congestion Management Plan"
TTCriders wrote a letter to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee about how the "Congestion Management Plan" could be strengthened with automatic cameras and better transit signal priority.
No funding available to buy new Line 2 TTC trains as current ones near end of life
Our Letter RE: Bill 131 - Transportation for the Future Act
Read our letter to provincial elected representatives on how new transit legislation (Bill 131) could impact service on crossboundary routes near the boundaries of Toronto, why it's important that service isn't cut in Toronto's outer suburbs and the risks of the proposal to have more developer-funded GO stations..