Metrolinx Approves Toronto Transit Projects

At their meeting on April 25th the Board of Directors of Metrolinx unanimously approved the Toronto Light Rail Transit (LRT) expansion plan. This plan sets out the new construction timelines for the 4 LRT lines that were officially endorsed
by City Council at their special meetings on February 8th and March 21st and 22nd. It is great to have Metrolinx and City Council back on the page with regard to expanding public transit!  However, the plan adopted by Metrolinx curiously doesn't start actually building new transit until 2014. (Metrolinx's previously approved 5 in 10 Plan was to have completed the Sheppard East LRT by 2014.) Below is a Metrolinx map of their new and approved Toronto Transit Expansion Plan.

Metrolinx approved Toronto Transit Plans

For a copy of the presentation made to the Metrolinx Board click here.

See below for local media coverage of the Metrolinx plan:

Metrolinx recommends Sheppard LRT building start in 2014 - The Toronto Star Q&A: What you need to know about the Sheppard LRT - The Toronto Star

It was alive, it was dead and now Transit City is back to life, maybe - The Globe and Mail

Metrolinx poised to OK four LRT lines - The National Post Metrolinx Staff Give Stamp of Approval to Street-Level Light Rail- Torontoist One step closer to Transit City - NOW Magazine
Rob Ford's four-year folly  - NOW Magazine

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