Got a raffle prize to contribute to our AGM?

TTCriders Annual Awesome General Meeting

Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON Wed. June 17, 5.15pm - 8.30pm

Join us

  • Find out about what exciting work we’ve done, and what we've got planned
  • Delicious snacks
  • Meet and connect with fellow members and friends
  • Become a member, or renew your membership
  • Vote for new board members
  • Enter our awesome raffle (win prizes from Zip Car, Urbane Cycle, ParkBus, Auto Share, Magic Oven, and more)
  • Members and non-members are very, very welcome to attend, but only members can vote at the AGM.

    • Reception: 5.15pm - 5.45pm
    • Meeting: 5.45pm - 7.00pm
    • Social: 7.00pm - 8.30pm

    Can you help us make our AGM awesome?

    1. Join us at our AGM on June 17. RSVP now.

    2. Become a member or renew your membership

    You can become a member or renew via our AGM RSVP site or sign up here.

    All members:

    • get two raffle tickets to use on the night of the AGM on June 17
    • know you’re doing your part to support public transit improvements
    • apply to join TTCriders’ committees or the board
    • get VIP status at our events
    • Membership contributions of $100 or more get a free TTCriders T-shirt, and your contribution will be recognized and appreciated in our AGM annual report.

    3. Refer a friend to join TTCriders

    Every time you refer a friend and they become a member you get another raffle ticket to use on the night of the AGM.  If three of your friends become members you get a free TTCriders T-shirt.   Here’s a sample email you can send to your friends.

    4. Contribute a prize to be raffled off at our AGM   

    If you contribute a raffle prize, you will:

    • have you or your organization's name included in our AGM annual report, which will be distributed online, and in print to all members on the night
    • be promoted in a prominent location on all promotional material about our AGM event via our website and via our email list of 11,000 supporters
    • have your name and raffle prize promoted and celebrated on the night of the AGM

    Prizes should have a monetary value of $150 or more, although of course some prizes are priceless.  We encourage creativity.  Know of a business, friend, or organization that would like to contribute a raffle prize?  Please reach out to them for us.

    Our Raffle Prizes (more to come very soon!!!)

    • Two 2015 season Parkbus tickets ($200 value) so you and a buddy can travel by bus for free to key outdoor destinations in Ontario, including Algonquin, Killarney, Grundy Lake Provincial Parks as well as Bruce Peninsula National Park and Tobermory. Great for you outdoor enthusiasts.   Thank you Parkbus!
    • One free family Auto Share membership, and $100 in free driving credits to get you started for a total value of $218.
    • One free Zip Car membership (value of $70), one swag bag of goodies, plus $100 in free driving credits to get you started.
    • $50 gift certificate at Urbane Cycle, the awesome co-op bike store at 180 John St, Toronto.
    • $50 gift certificate at delicious pizza store, Magic Oven.

    See you at our AGM.

    Jessie, Diana, Brenda, Rebecca, Brenda, Guled, Alix, Sandy, Jessica, and Marco TTCriders Board and AGM Committee organizers

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    Take action

    Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
    Bus lanes now
    Rally to Open the Crosstown
    Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
    Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
    Add your name for Fare Capping!
    Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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