You thought transit was bad this year

I bet you hate that frustrated, stressed feeling that bubbles up inside when you’ve been waiting for your bus for 15 minutes and you realize you’re now late for work.    

We’ve got some bad news. As you have probably heard, you could be paying even more for this all-too-common experience in 2017.  

The TTC is facing a budget crisis.  The TTC needs $178 million just to maintain current service levels for next year, and city council just slapped the TTC with a 2.6 per cent budget cut.  

We need City Hall and the Wynne Government to show true leadership and fairly fund the TTC so we can build a world-class, affordable public transit system.

But what they want to give us is fare hikes, a funding crisis, and possibly service cuts.  Ridership is already slumping, ending a decade of record ridership growth, and this is just going to make it worth. City Hall and the Wynne Government are putting the TTC on a race to the bottom to a crappy transit system that we do not deserve.

We say no. You have a right to fast, frequent and affordable transit, and we are asking you to join us in organizing to get it.

Can you work with us?

  1. We are raising $600 to print these awesome postcards (soon to be attached) and get them into the hands of thousands of riders.  Donate $50 today.   

  2. Save the date.  We’re organizing a creative rally at City Hall on Wed. Sep. 28, the day the budget is released, and the low income pass is returning to City Hall. RSVP here and be the first to know the details.  

  3. Come to one of our meetings and get active.
  • Fair Fare Coalition Meeting, Tuesday August 9, 4.30pm - 6.00pm, 720 Bathurst St
  • Outreach Committee Meeting, Wednesday August 17, 4.30pm - 6.30pm, 720 Bathurst St
  • Campaigns Committee Meeting, Wednesday August 17, 6pm - 8.30pm, 720 Bathurst St
Contact Bill at [email protected] or Kamilla [email protected] for more information.

Thank you for your hard work in improving transit in Toronto.


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Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
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Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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