Want better TTC? Vote Transit

On June 7, 2018, Vote Transit to elect a provincial government that will provide Toronto with an affordable, world-class public transit system. 

GET ACTIVE! 5 ways you can get involved:  

1. Become a member of TTCriders. Join our grassroots movement for better transit! 

2. Share the Vote Transit report card. Read our report card on the parties' transit plans and help us distribute it across the city! RSVP to a canvassing event near you.  

3. Join our Vote Transit Day of Action on May 23. Sign up to help us canvass voters about public transit issues. 

4. Sign the pledge to Vote Transit on June 7. Send a message to candidates that you’ll be voting for the party with the best transit plan. Help collect signatures on the Vote Transit pledge: Download a pledge sheet.

5. Ask candidates about their transit plans. Attend all-candidates events and debates in your riding to ask questions about where the parties stand on transit.    


  • How much will you contribute to run the TTC, so that riders can have better service and lower fares?
  • How much funding will you commit for new transit projects, and how will you pay for it?
  • What new transit projects will you prioritize?
  • Will you promise to keep the TTC public?

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Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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