Thank you to all of you who took the time out of your busy days to come down to City Hall to work together with us and stand up for affordable transit. We are building momentum for our campaign for affordable TTC, and we must continue to work together to grow. They want us to go away. We will not.
In 2014, TTCriders and the Fair Fare Coalition convinced the city to make the TTC more affordable to low income riders. City staff were supposed to present its plan to City Council in 2015, but failed to do so. The plan was then promised to be released in May 31, then September 30, then October 28, and now it has been delayed until December 1.
“There is not one good reason why the City keeps delaying the urgent and important plan to lower fares for low income riders and make public transit accessible to all. It doesn't take three years to write a report.
Over 250 riders, each holding large red signs with the message “Where’s our fair pass?”, attend the event, including leaders from TTCriders, the Ontario Chinese Seniors Association, Social Planning Toronto, the Canadian Association of Retired People - Toronto, ACORN, the Toronto Airport Workers Council, and more. Thank you so much!
Read the Toronto Star article on the issue.
Politicians say this can't be done but that is not true. Many regions across Canada offer discount fares for low income riders, including Vancouver, Halifax, Peel, Waterloo and more. Calgary and Edmonton just introduced a $44 a month low income pass in 2016, and Ottawa will have a low income pass in 2017. At $141.50 a month, Toronto has the most expensive metropass in Canada.
It’s not right to keep delaying the low income pass and force thousands of riders to choose between buying a meal or riding the TTC. If you agree with us then send a message to your councillor right here. Even better send a personal message. It's more effective.
We are calling for free TTC for people on social assistance, and $1 fares and a $50 metropass for all other low income riders, including seniors and students. Our friends, the Ontario Chinese Seniors Association is campaigning for a $30 metropass for low income seniors, and free TTC for seniors during off-peak hours.
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Where is our fair pass?[/caption]
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Here we are, filling City Hall[/caption]
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Karin from PTP literacy centre[/caption]
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Susan doing a great job MCing[/caption]
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Where's our fair pass?[/caption]
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Mou Hu from the Ontario Chinese Seniors Association[/caption]