Evening highlights:
Bob Kinnear, president of the transit workers union, spoke to the need for transit riders to get active in the 2015 Federal election. Check out the workers' union's great report on transit.
Our Shaun Cleaver told us about what we'd achieved, and what we're planning, including securing a fare freeze, passing the low income pass, creating candidate report cards, rallying at Queen's Park, giving our first ever Sardine award to MPP Glen Murray, hosting our first AGM, and more.
TTCriders co-chair, Brenda Thompson, announced the Transit Champion and Transit Troll award recipients. For his efforts to improve transit service in Toronto, TTC CEO Andy Byford was crowned this year’s transit champion by the TTCRiders advocacy group. Here he is with his award.

On the other side of the tracks, TTCRiders voters picked Prime Minister Stephen Harper as 2014’s “transit troll.”
“The votes came in and he was a clear winner. It wasn’t even close,” Thompson said. “I think people recognize there were lots of missed opportunities for him to support transit service across Canada.”
Harper didn't come to pick up his award so we sent him a group #grumpyrider photo. (Metro News wrote a great story on our award ceremony.)

Board Co-chair Marco Covi and Board member Sandy Hudson led the raffle prize draw. Thank you to all the raffle donors, including: Fresh City Farms for a bag of fresh food, the TTC for a whole host of awesome prizes including being the TTC's voiceover announcer during rush hour, Biketoons for a bike helmet, and Spacing for cute hats and badges.
Thanks also goes to Vince, Adam Smith, Milan, Alix, Cindy, Herman, Marco, Brenda, Guled, Jenn, Corey, Gabriela, Sandy, Aaron, and others for their hard work putting this event on.
Thanks also to our amazing members and organizational supporters, including: ATU Local 113, OSSTF District 12, CUPE 3902, CUPE 3903, U of T Scarborough Student Union, U of T Graduate Student Union, CUPE 4400, Labour Council, and more.
We look forward to seeing you at our rallies and events throughout the year, and our end-of-year fundraiser for 2015.
P.S. If you didn't make it to our fundraiser, then you can still support our work by donating online.
More photos
Gabriela staffing our food table. Thank you Gabriela and Marco Covi for going above and beyond on the food.
Marco and Guled managing our raffle table. Aaron didn't know it at the time but he was about to win the right to design a monthly metropass.

Cindy and Herman rocking it at the registration table.

Bob Kinnear, president of the transit workers, and Jessica Bell, who is looking happy because she had a drink, and never drinks. And she's also happy because people turned up.

Our supporters watching the show.