Thank you for signing our petition

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Thank you so much for contacting your elected official!  Stay involved.

1. Tell others.  Share our Fair Deal for Riders petition on facebook. Here's the link:

2. Join our Petition Day of Action on October 7.  We're encouraging riders to support our campaign for better service and lower fares.  Got an hour free on October 7th? Read more and sign up here:

3. Join our list serv @  We will keep you informed about our efforts to improve public transit in Toronto.

4. Become a TTCriders member @

Your support goes a long way.  Yearly membership rates range from $100 to a ‘pay what you can’ option. All membership fees go towards helping TTCriders organize and implement campaigns, undertake ward and neighbourhood level advocacy and engage with key decision makers at Toronto City Hall, Queens Park and the Toronto Transit Commission.


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