Tell the TTC to keep one flat fare in Toronto

The TTC is running another transit survey to get feedback on specific fare proposals, including fare capping, fare-by-mode, and fare-by-distance. We need to speak up now against proposals like paying extra for the subway. 

Take the TTC survey before June 2nd, 2021!

Fill out the TTC’s online survey here:

Scroll down for some suggested responses.  

If you have any questions or require accessibility accommodation, please contact [email protected] or call 1-833-949-3273.

Sign up here to attend the TTC’s May 19 public townhall. 

Why take the TTC’s survey? 

Sharing your feedback with TTC means your input will be reflected in the TTC and YRT report. If more transit riders fill out the survey, the TTC’s new fare policies will reflect what we want. We need to speak up now to make sure the TTC does not propose unfair policies like paying an extra fare for the subway. 

Your guide to taking the TTC’s survey 

The survey asks some important questions about fare capping, fare-by-distance and fare-by-mode. TTCriders has reviewed the Transit Fare Survey and has come up with possible responses to some of the critical questions. 

You can copy and paste them as you fill out the survey so we have a collective impact. We’ve started with what we think are the most important questions. 


  • You don’t need to answer every question if you are not comfortable
  • If you agree with our proposed response, you can copy and paste our response into the appropriate comment box

Fare capping 

Question 4 asks about fare capping. Fare capping means that once you have tapped your card a certain number of times, the rest of the period would be free. This would help people who can’t afford the up-front cost of a monthly pass. The TTC is also asking about a possible daily or weekly fare capping program.  

SUGGESTED RESPONSE: I support fare capping, but it should be accompanied by lowering the cost of base fares and monthly passes to begin with. Toronto pays one of the highest fares in North America. It takes 57 single youth fare taps to “break even” for the cost of a youth monthly pass ($128.15). By contrast, youth fares in Ottawa “break even” for a youth monthly pass ($94.50) after only 26 taps. Fare capping should encourage more transit ridership and it should be flexibly applied as travel patterns and frequency varies.

Fare by Mode

Question 6:  In this question, you are asked whether you would pay an additional fare for using the subway system.  

SUGGESTED RESPONSE: Introducing additional costs or fares to travel on faster modes or travel longer distances is unfair and inconvenient. The TTC should keep a flat fare in Toronto for accessing any mode of transit. TTC should seek out funding from all levels of government to subsidize public transit operating costs, not rely on vulnerable transit users to cover up for the expenses. Toronto should have one flat fare across Union Pearson Express, GO, and TTC.


Ability to pay

Question 16:  In this question, you are asked whether you support fare discounts based on ability to pay.

SUGGESTED RESPONSE: I support expanding discounts, not eliminating any existing discounts. I support making transit free for people receiving social assistance first, and lowering fares for all. Ability to pay could stigmatize and divide transit users. Transit should be made affordable regardless of one’s ability to pay so that each rider is able to have a dignified transit experience. All levels of government should properly fund transit to lower fares and increase service so that public transit becomes a preferred mode of transportation. This will help address congestion and combat the climate change crisis.


Thank you for sharing your concerns. You are helping to make a difference in the lives of millions of transit riders!

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