Take action to keep the Fair Pass!

On March 17, 2020 the City of Toronto quietly stopped processing new applications to the Fair Pass TTC discount program.* Some current Fair Pass holders have been unable to renew.

This is completely unacceptable! Especially during a pandemic, when people are relying on the TTC for essential trips to access medical care and food. This change has caused confusion regarding who is still eligible to receive discounted fares.

City staff will report to the Economic & Community Development Committee on November 12, 2020 about the status of the Fair Pass program and any technical barriers to restarting it. The staff report recommends bringing back the Fair Pass discount, but the new application process creates barriers. 

Community members and organizations fought hard to convince City Council to approve the Fair Pass TTC discount program. We need to continue the fight to keep it, make it accessible, and expand it so more people get much deeper discounts!

*The Fair Pass Program discounts single fares and monthly passes for eligible adult individuals receiving Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Ontario Works (OW) assistance, or a Toronto Child Care Fee Subsidy. Mayor John Tory has promised to fully fund the Fair Pass in 2021 for all residents earning low incomes (defined as the Low-Income Measure +15%).

Learn more

Read TTCriders' recommendations in response to the staff report update.

Read the open letter from 25 organizations.

Get involved

Sign up to volunteer or become a member of TTCriders. 

Media coverage

November 4, 2020: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/11/04/toronto-to-resume-issuing-new-fair-pass-ttc-discounts-for-low-income-riders.html 

September 25, 2020: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/09/25/city-of-toronto-quietly-suspends-new-fair-pass-discounts-for-low-income-ttc-riders.html 


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