All Councillors Should Back Stintz’s LRT Plan

TTCriders urges all Councillors to support the LRT transit expansion plan to be moved by TTC Chair Karen Stintz at special Council meeting on Wednesday.

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Councillor Stintz’s LRT plan will deliver the rapid transit Torontonians want. This plan is based on solid transit principles, will see rapid transit built quickly, underground where it is needed, to all parts of the city, and it’s completely paid for by the Province.

TTCriders released the following statement today:

We applaud Councillor Stintz and the other 23 Councillors who are calling for a special Council meeting on Wednesday which should get transit expansion moving again in Toronto. Now we call on Mayor Ford and the other 20 Councillors to get on board as well.
Councillor Stintz’s plan calls for four Light Rail Transit (LRT) lines to be built: the Eglinton Crosstown (underground from Keele St to Laird Ave and at grade from Leslie Street to Kennedy Station); replacing the current Scarborough RT with LRT and expanding it north to Sheppard Ave; along Sheppard Ave East from Don Mills Station to Morningside Ave; along Finch Ave west from the new Finch West Station to Humber College. These new LRT lines will have almost no impact on existing car lanes as there is enough space to build new lanes on these wide suburban avenues.

TTCriders launched an e-petition that allows Torontonians to send an email to their Councillor showing their support for the plan.

For Torontonians who want rapid transit now in all parts of the city, this plan will get us there.

Click here to see the petition signed by 24 Councilliors calling for a special City Council meeting to approve the LRT Plan.

Click here to see TTC Chair Stintz's Letter to Metrolinx in support the original  LRT plan.

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