Tell your Councillor you Support the LRT Plan Before Wednesday's Special Meeting

At their Special Meeting on Wednesday City Council will decide on the future of rapid transit on Sheppard Avenue East. Council will be voting on how to add to our public transit network: Build Light Rail Transit on Sheppard Avenue East in the next 4 years OR Delay improving transit for decades while we wait for a dubious subway scheme.

Please send a message to your Councillor BEFORE Wednesday's Special Meeting! (We've drafted sample message below.)

The Council approved light rail plan is based on solid transit principles, will see rapid transit built quickly, underground where it is needed, to all parts of the city, and it’s completely paid for by the Province.

In February a majority of City Councillors voted for the Eglinton underground and above ground, expanded Scarborough RT and Finch West LRT lines. They asked the special panel to determine what would be best for Sheppard Avenue. The expert panel has determined that light rail is the preferred rapid transit mode for Sheppard Avenue East. You can see their report here.

Please ask your Councillor to support the expert panel and not an unfunded political promise by Mayor Ford.

These new LRT lines will have almost no impact on existing car lanes as there is enough space to build new lanes on these wide suburban avenues.

For Torontonians who want rapid transit now in all parts of the city, this plan will get us there.

Below is a sample message  to send to your Councillor. Please tell them you support Rapid Transit Now for Toronto!


Dear Councillor,

I live in your ward.

On February 8th City Council voted to support a plan that will bring rapid Light Rail Transit (LRT) to Eglinton Avenue, Finch Avenue West, and extend and replace the Scarborough RT. I am writing to ask that you support the recommendations of the Sheppard Transit Expert Panel and vote for rapid LRT on Sheppard Avenue East at Wednesday's special meeting.

We have the money to build transit now and we don't need to wait for more broken political promises. Let's get rapid transit now!

The LRT plan is based on solid transit principles, will get rapid transit built now, underground where it is needed, to all parts of the city, and is fully funded by the Province.

Please get on with the job of building the public transit system we need and vote for LRT on Sheppard this Wednesday.

Thank you,


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