Our New Year's resolution: Win more funding for better transit

There's a lot at stake for transit riders in 2018. In addition to upcoming provincial and municipal elections, the City of Toronto budget process is in full swing with no good news for transit riders (yet). 

Two-hour TTC fares and the low income Fair Pass have been approved, but are not yet funded. The TTC operating budget will not improve service levels in 2018 or fix overcrowding, unreliable service, and long wait times. The TTC's capital budget, which determines how well our system is maintained and how quickly we can make our system accessible, is also underfunded

Join TTCriders during the City budget process to win better transit in 2018! 


Sign up to make a deputation (3-5 minute presentation) at one of the subcommittee meetings, which will hear public presentations on January 8, 9, and 10. TTCriders will follow up and register you.

Send a message to your Councillor and Mayor John Tory, calling on them to fairly fund the TTC. 

Stay tuned for more updates and ways to take action. 

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Take action

Tell your City Councillor: Freeze TTC Fares
Bus lanes now
Rally to Open the Crosstown
Protect Door-to-Door Wheel-Trans Service!
Tell Your MP: Sign the Transit Pledge
Add your name for Fare Capping!
Keep and Expand Free TTC Wi-Fi!

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