If we want great public transit we need to recruit and educate as many riders as possible to get active in our transit movement.
Sign up to canvass with us!
Where are we canvassing?
York University bus stop
Canvassing from 4pm - 5pm on September 14 outside the student centre. Contact Cindy to join in at
[email protected] or (416) 270-5893.
Dufferin St & St Clair Ave W
Canvassing on this corner from 7.30am - 9.00am on September 14. Contact Shaun Cleaver to join at <[email protected]>
Bathurst Station (Bathurst and Bloor St)
Canvassing on this corner from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on September 14. Contact Lisa Pozhke to join at (647) 7467068
Dufferin Station (Bloor and Dufferin)
Canvassing on this corner on September 14. Contact Kamilla Petrick to join at (647) 309-9842
King Station - King St and Yonge St
Canvassing on NW corner from 7.30am - 9:00am on September 14. Contact Suhail Barot to join at <[email protected]> or at 1-647-701-9658. Look for us at street-level, at the TTC station entrance by the NW corner of King and Yonge.
Donlands Station (Donlands Ave and Danforth Ave)
Canvassing on this corner from 4.00pm - 6:00pm on September 14. Contact Herman Rosenfeld to join at <[email protected]>
Danforth Ave & Main St
Canvassing at this intersection from 8:00am to 9:00am, Sept 14th. Contact Jacob Pendergrast at <[email protected]> to join
Warden Station
Canvassing at this station from 11.00am - 12.50 pm on Monday September 14. Contact John Freeman to join at <[email protected]> 6477633114
Kingston and St Clair Ave East
Canvassing on this corner from 4.30pm - 5.30pm on September 14. Contact Brenda Thompson to join at (647) 974-2928
Woodbine and Queen
Join Adam and canvass from 5pm - 6pm on Monday Sep. 14. We're also hitting up the Woodbine 92 bus, as well as the Queen Street car. Adam is at: (416) 454-5014
Download and use the
#VoteTransit petition. Please data entry any petition signer that wants to join our email list and get updates. You can scan all the petitions and send them to us at
[email protected].