Thanks to all of you who called your City Councillor asking them to support a motion to put $5 million from our $100 million surplus back into TTC operations for 2013. This money would have alleviated the need for another five cent fare increase. Unfortunately the motion was lost (14 - 31). It is especially discouraging since the TTC generated a $22 million surplus from overcrowding last year due to service cuts -money that could have been used for a fare freeze or to lower fares. Instead it was funnelled back into City coffers.
ADVISORY: TTCriders to hold rally to open the Crosstown LRT
(Toronto, ON) – Transit advocacy organization TTCriders will hold a rally on February 19, 2025 to call for answers about the Eglinton Crosstown and Finch West LRT projects and ask all provincial parties to commit to solutions for more reliable transit.