Read the article and our response here.
For most of us regular Torontonians we know the drill and can just use the TTC's trip planner or some other system to find the cheaper way to get to the airport, but what about all those tourists who don't know any better?
That could be bamboozled into thinking Toronto has the most expensive public transit system in the world.
In fact, it's actually quite hard to get Google Maps to recommend the TTC as an option. We just did a search from Dufferin and Bloor subway stop (that's a stop that takes you to the bus that takes you to Pearson Airport, FYI) and Google Maps STILL recommends you take the $27 UPX train, as opposed to the cheaper, albeit squashier, TTC alternative. Try the search for yourself.

On a more positive note, what's also really interesting about the Google Maps transit planner is that it also shares a vision for how much better our public transit system would be if the UPX was priced at TTC level fares. Those coming from the west end like Bloor or Dundas could quickly get to the airport in 20-30 minutes. And it would be even more awesome if stops were added at Weston, Rexdale, Liberty Village, Queen and more.
That's a vision that should be a reality for Torontonians.
Make sure to send a message to Metrolinx and the Province calling for a true UPX public transit line.