Executive: Vote for Fair Fare Integration Tomorrow


On Tuesday, October 24, Executive Committee will be voting on Agenda Item 28.6: Advancing Fare Integration, which approves of the provincial government paying for a $1.50 fare discount for riders who transfer between GO and the TTC.  This means a rider who uses GO or the Union Pearson Express will pay $1.50 to board the TTC instead of $3.00, and the discount works the other way as well. This discount is part of Metrolinx's fare integration plan to harmonize fare systems across the GTHA.

While fare integration is a worthy goal, we have many concerns with Metrolinx's approach.  That is why we are asking Executive Committee to approve this fare discount, and do everything they can to ensure Metrolinx and our region implements truly fair fare integration.  Fair fare integration means:  

  • Two-hour fare transfers usable across municipal boundaries. Most municipal transit systems within the GTHA  provide two hour fares to their customers, and accept each other’s transfers when a municipal boundary is crossed.  It's only fair that Toronto gets what other municipalities already have. 
  • No fare hikes or loss of service for any rider.  If discounts are going to be provided - and they should - other riders shouldn't have to pay for it with higher fares or service cuts.
  • No fare by distance within local transit systems.  It’s not fair to make low income riders who live outside the downtown core to pay more for transit.
  • One fare for the 416.  It makes sense to have a single transferable fare across all transit options, including GO, UPX, Smart Track, bus, streetcar, subway, and LRT.  TTC’s unified fare system is a key feature of our transit system and should not be sacrificed on the altar of fare integration. We have the opportunity to extend this arrangement to the GO system where it travels through Toronto, providing riders with relief from the current arrangement which is bursting at the seams.
  • Faster transit shouldn’t cost more than slower transit on municipal transit. Creating a two-tiered transit system will force lower income riders onto slower and more unreliable service like buses and street cars. We should be doing everything we can to build a fair transit system and a fair city - this will only make our growing divide worse.
We believe this rider-friendly approach will be far more beneficial to our region's transit riders and help create an affordable, world-class public transit system. 


Forward this message for Mayor Tory and Executive Committee to a family, friends or colleagues who have long transit commute! 

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