Union Pearson Coalition holds day of action for lower fares, more stops, clean trains

On Tuesday, our newly formed Union Pearson Coalition held a day of action and talked to riders at all the stops along the new Union Pearson line.  The response from riders was overwhelmingly positive in

support of our campaign for fair fares, more stops, and clean trains.

The Province and Metrolinx clearly knew about our event, because they announced to the media they were willing to give airport workers a fare discount and were dropping the $1.85 fare surcharge to make up for potential lost parking revenue at the airport.  This is a step in the right direction, but it's a long long way from making the Union Pearson line a true public transit line for all.

Also, the Coalition is meeting with Metrolinx at 8.00am at 97 Front Street on Thursday December 4 to discuss our concerns about the cost of riding the Union Pearson line.  Despite our requests for public consultation, Metrolinx will only allow 10 people to attend this private meeting.  We will continue to ask Metrolinx and the Province to hold public consultations because transit affects all Torontonians. We will also report on the outcome of this meeting.

[caption id="attachment_4133" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Paul Ferreira, Sue Mitchell, and Laura Alderson talking to riders VERY EARLY at Weston Station. Paul Ferreira, Sue Mitchell, and Laura Alderson talking to riders VERY EARLY at Weston Station.[/caption]

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