The leaked climate change plan shows just $354 million will go towards the GO regional rail network’s $13.5 billion plan to electrify their system and increase service. There’s no new money for the cash-strapped TTC, even though the TTC carries nearly 10 times the passengers GO does.
The TTC holds the embarrassing honour of getting the least amount of government funding of all major transit systems in North America. The province used to match the City of Toronto's subsidy contribution to the TTC, until former Premier Mike Harris slashed TTC funding in the mid 1990s. Overcrowding, fare hikes, and chronic funding shortages persist to this day.
This stubborn refusal by the province to invest in improving public transit in Toronto is shocking given that the Wynne government wants 80% of people to walk, cycle, or take public transit to work by 2050. Setting a target of just 12% of new vehicles sold in the province be electric by 2025 does little to reduce Ontario's car dependence.
TTC studies show that riders will leave their cars at home and take public transit if it’s frequent, reliable, comfortable, and affordable. We’ll get that kind of public transit when the province steps up and re-commits to fairly funding the TTC.
The transportation sector is the single largest source of climate emissions in Ontario. Investing in the TTC will not only build a sustainable transportation system for our future, but it's one of the smartest and cheapest ways to tackle climate change. The urgent threat of climate change means we’ve not only got to do it now, but we’ve also got to do it right.