Will riders get respect in 2018

In September, the TTC will release the first draft of its budget for 2018.  Will this budget give transit riders the respect we deserve?  We don’t know.  

But this is what we do know:

We know the TTC has a government-created funding problem because back in May

City Council voted to freeze all city departments’ budgets at 2017 funding levels. The TTC needs another $126 million from the city if it wants to maintain existing service levels and not hike fares.

We know that John Tory is feeling the heat.  This week, he said he wants to keep his promise to freeze fares in 2018.  Now, we’ve heard broken promises like this from Tory before. (Remember the 2014 election?) Is he going to keep this one?

We know the rollout of the fair fare pass that we fought so hard for is in jeopardy.  How is the City going to find the $5 to $50 million needed to provide fair relief to those of us on social assistance and those of us who earn less than $23,000 a year, if City Council just voted to freeze all budgets?

And we know the best way we’re going to get a truly fair low income pass, 10 minutes or better service on all routes across the city, lower fares, a fully accessible and reliable TTC, and an end to the overcrowding is if we take effective action together.

Please join us so we can work together to make sure the City and the Province say yes to funding an affordable world class public transit system for all of us in this upcoming budget cycle. 

1. Upcoming planning meetings

  • Tuesday, August 8, 2017, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, 720 Bathurst St.

  • Tuesday, September 6, 2017, 4.30 pm - 6.00 pm, 720 Bathurst St.

  • Monday, September 11, 2017, 6:00 pm - 9:30pm, 720 Bathurst St.
    RSVP with Bill at [email protected]

2. Join our action art party   

  • Tuesday, September 6, 2017, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm, 720 Bathurst St.  RSVP with Kamilla at [email protected]

3. Join our outreach phone bank

  • Tuesday, September 6, 2017, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm, 720 Bathurst St. RSVP with Jess at [email protected] or 647-772-8770.

Food will be provided. Stay tuned for more information.

Thank you,

Fair Fare Coalition, TTCriders, Scarborough Transit Action

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