When anti-privatization movements unite: Hands Off Our Health Care, Hydro, Transit and Housing

On Sunday, February 21st, about 100 people attended an all-day Anti-Privatization forum, Hands Off Our Health Care, Hydro, Transit and Housing. The forum combined a number of elements: a space to compare experiences and approaches to the fight against privatization of key social services; a place for activists to talk about how to understand the roots, causes and forms of privatization; and a discussion about how we might organize services in a more democratic and responsive manner.
There were representatives from the fight to challenge Hydro One privatization; in defense of public health care, against P3’s and private management of the TTC and Metrolinx Toronto projects, and ways of defending and developing forms of public housing. Brenda Thompson, from TTCriders and the Free Transit Toronto, was one of the speakers and workshop facilitators.
The organizing group will continue to meet, to help build across the different anti-privatization movements.

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