The "Family of Services" is a cruel plan to cut Wheel-Trans service. The TTC's "diversion target" is to screen out 50% of current Wheel-Trans users from full door-to-door service to reduce the TTC budget. Wheel-Trans users are being re-assessed and placed in categories determining their eligibility, with many losing access to door-to-door trips after reassessment. Some users will now get picked up at home by a Wheel-Trans vehicle, then dropped off on the side of the road to complete their trip using conventional TTC streetcars, subways, or buses.
Appealing your eligibility requires new documentation and creates financial and other barriers: users only have 30 days from the date of their eligibility decision letter for submission, and could need to pay for attendant support or a new doctor's note. Wheel-Trans users deserve the choice to use conventional transit, rather than be forced to use it! [UPDATE: After this report was published, the TTC has extended the appeal window to 90 days]
Add your name to protect Wheel-Trans!
- Wheel-Trans users need choice, just like people who voluntarily use the TTC.
Using conventional TTC service should be voluntary, not mandatory and
determined by Wheel-Trans.
- Expand provincial transit operations funding so that Wheel-Trans can expand
service to accommodate new users. This is the only way to ensure that the
spirit of The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 is upheld and
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Have you been re-registered for Wheel-Trans and want to appeal? You must submit an appeal within 90 days of the decision letter you receive from Wheel-Trans.
Download appeal form
Cost-cutting motivations
- The TTC has internal "diversion targets" to shift 50% of current Wheel-Trans users off of full, door-to-door accessible service, onto the “Family of Services” program.
- Public reports and internal documents obtained through Freedom of Information requests suggest that a key rationale for implementing the “Family of Services” program is to reduce the TTC budget.
Loss of access and independence
- Wheel-Trans users report that being forced to use conventional streetcars, subways, and buses for parts of their trips will discourage them from leaving their homes, resulting in isolation and a loss of independence.
Appeal process concerns
- Financial and other barriers prevent many Wheel-Trans users from appealing their designation as “Conditional”: People only have 30 days from the date of their eligibility decision letter to submit an appeal. Gathering supporting documentation for the appeal may require booking appointments with specialists, paying for a doctor’s note, and paying for attendant support. [UPDATE: After this report was published, the TTC has extended the appeal window to 90 days]
- Less than 0.02% of Wheel-Trans applicants appealed their status in 2017 and 2018. Of the 17 appeals made to Wheel-Trans in 2017 and 2018, the original Wheel-Trans decision was upheld in 12 cases (71%).
- The TTC’s appeals process is not “independent”: two of the three appeal panel members are affiliated with the TTC.
Privacy concerns
- The TTC can review images from video cameras mounted in TTC Wheel-Trans vehicles to determine eligibility for Wheel-Trans.
Check out coverage of our report launch on CBC, CP24, CityNews.