ACTION: Stop screening out Wheel-Trans users!

Under the “Family of Services” program, thousands (up to 50% by 2025) of Wheel-Trans users will lose full access and be forced to take conventional TTC service (bus, subway, streetcar).[1]  Scroll down for a phone script and TTC Board member phone numbers to call!  What is the Family of Services? Wheel-Trans users who sign up after 2017 will be assigned into one of three categories: unconditional, temporary, or conditional access. Wheel-Trans users who signed up before 2017 are being re-registered into the three categories. The TTC estimates at least 25,000 people will be re-assessed, which will take years. [2]

  • Unconditional means you will continue to have access to “door-to-door” trips. 
  • Temporary means you have access to Wheel-Trans for a limited amount of time.
  • Conditional is called the “Family of Services” and means you will be able to book a Wheel-Trans trip to an “Access Hub,” accessible subway station, or “transfer stop,” then you will need to complete your trip on the conventional system.  

Why is this happening?  By 2025, eligibility for Wheel-Trans will be open to a larger group of people under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). This is a positive change that will allow more people who need Wheel-Trans to register as users. But instead of increasing the Wheel-Trans budget, the TTC is trying to cut costs by reducing the number of Wheel-Trans users with unconditional access (door-to-door trips). The TTC plans to "divert" 50% of Wheel-Trans users by 2025. Just because a trip is accessible on paper, doesn’t mean it is  Safety and accessibility issues on the conventional TTC system include long wait times outside for buses, lack of space on overcrowded buses and streetcars, and lack of staffing and/or communication. Having an elevator at a subway station doesn’t make it fully accessible. The phase-out of in-person staff in various roles (booth collectors, guards on subway cars) have safety impacts. Without staff present, there are greater safety concerns such as subway doors closing, overcrowding, and gaps between the platform and subway cars.  What is happening now?

  • The Family of Services started as a pilot and users volunteered. In Q3 of 2021 the TTC will force people with conditional designation to use conventional service.
  • Of the 7,325 people who applied for Wheel-Trans status in 2020, 42% were deemed “conditional” and will not gain full access to Wheel-Trans. [3]

How does the re-registration process work?  The TTC website notes that Wheel-Trans does not charge for the application process. However, the new application may require your physician to complete part of the form and they may charge you for this.[4] Depending on who evaluates you / writes your letter, you could get a different result. Is there an appeal process if I don’t agree with my designation? Yes. Click here to access the Wheel-Trans Eligibility Appeal Form:  Check out this helpful guide from CILT from 2013 for tips on applying and appealing: Access Hubs and Family of Services Routes The City of Toronto has installed sixteen (16) “Access Hubs” on Family of Services routes.[5] Access Hubs are “clean, dry, well-lit, accessible transit stops served by Wheel Trans.”[6] There are also a number of “accessible transfer stops”: Shared stops where Wheel-Trans users can transfer to the conventional TTC.  [7] Image description: Map of 16 “Access Hub locations” that are part of the Family of Services. Image published in the June 16, 2021 Wheel-Trans report to TTC Board. Questions? Contact info @ Take action:  Call TTC Board members and your City Councillor! Ask them to stop screening out Wheel-Trans users under the "Family of Services" program: Sample script: "Hello my name is ____ and I live in ___. and I am calling about the TTC decision to screen out Wheel-Trans users. The TTC should be making transit more accessible, not less. I urge  you to pause the Family of Services program that will force some users to take trips that are not fully accessible."

Councillor Shelley Carroll - TTC Board member (Don Valley North): 416-338-2650 

Councillor Brad Bradford - TTC Board member (Beaches-East York): 416-338-2755

Councillor Michael Thompson (Scarborough Centre): 416-397-9274

Councillor Jennifer McKelvie - TTC Board member (Scarborough-Rouge Park): 416-338-3771

Councillor Cynthia Lai - TTC Board member (Scarborough North): 416-338-0011

Councillor Nick Mantas (Scarborough Agincourt): 416-321-2788

Councillor Gary Crawford (Scarborough Southwest): 416-392-4052

Councillor Paul Ainslie (Scarborough-Guildwood): 416-392-4008

Councillor Ana Bailão (Davenport): 416-392-7012

Councillor Mike Colle (Eglinton-Lawrence): 416-338-2500

Councillor Joe Cressy (Spadina-Fort York): 416-392-4044

Councillor John Filion (Willowdale): 416-395-6411 

Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto - Danforth): 416-392-4060

Councillor Michael Ford (Etobicoke North): 416-397-9225

Councillor Mark Grimes (Etobicoke-Lakeshore): 416-397-9273

Councillor Stephen Holyday (Etobicoke North): 416-392-4002

Councillor Mike Layton (University-Rosedale): 416-392-4009

Councillor Josh Matlow (Toronto-St. Paul's): 416-392-7906

Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong - TTC Board member (Don Valley East): 416-397-9256 

Councillor Frances Nunziata (York - South Weston: 416-392-4091

Councillor James Pasternak (York Centre): 416-392-1371

Councillor Gord Perks (Parkdale - High Park): 416-392-7919

Councillor Anthony Perruzza (Humber River - Black Creek): 416-338-5335

Councillor Jaye Robinson - TTC Board member (Don Valley West): 416-395-6408

Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Toronto Centre): 416-392-7903





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