TTCriders for #ClimateStrike

TTCriders is answering the call of students and youth who will be walking out of class on Friday September 27 to take action on the climate emergency. We need better transit now and lower fares as part of the transition to a green and fair economy. Our goal is to hand out 1000s of flyers to transit riders that ask people to join the #ClimateStrike mobilization on September 27th and to take action for better transit. TTCriders will also be marching as a contingent in the September 27th rally.


  1. Join the #ClimateStrike march on Friday September 27th in Toronto. RSVP on Facebook to march with TTCriders. Meet at Queen's Park at 11am, march leaves at 12pm noon. 
  2. Spread the word with TTCriders. Sign up using the form below to hand out flyers at TTC stops between September 23 and 27. 
  3. Volunteer as a marshal on September 27. More info here.  
  4. Donate here to support the Climate Strike. Your support is needed to make event logistics possible, including food, water, and an accessibility van. Donation link:
  5. Share #ClimateStrike materials online or put up posters in your neighbourhood! Download your own #ClimateStrike posters and images here
Find the full list of Toronto climate week events here:  Official Toronto Climate Strike Facebook page. Toronto organizing committee demandsRead more about the Global Climate Strike. 

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